SAILOR® TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System

Based on a lifetime experience in maritime communication products for the GMDSS requirements, Thrane & Thrane now presents a GMDSS solution made from the 4th generation.
The SAILOR TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System has been developed to meet market requirements for reliable and stable communication. Whether it is an emergency that requires distress calling or messaging of ordinary commercial character, the SAILOR TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS system is your ultimate choice as a reliable satellite communication platform. The ruggedized compact design of the SAILOR TT-3026C GMDSS mini-C transceiver makes it very attractive for your new GMDSS solution. SAILOR TT-3000E is based on proven technology from the largest supplier of Inmarsat-C terminals.
Ship Security Alert System add-on
The TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System comprises the possibility to function as Ship Security Alert System also. Based on the experiences from the well-known SAILOR TT-3000SSA Ship Security Alert System, it has been a natural evolution to develop an add-on solution for the SAILOR TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS system. The SSAS add-on kit is expected to be available from second quarter of 2006.
2-way data, fax, and e-mail transfer to destinations worldwide | | |
Reception of Inmarsat-C broadcasted maritime safety information | | |
Data- and position reporting to multiple destinations and time intervals | | |
Flexible installation | | |
SSAS functionality as an upgrade solution | | |
Supports LocPoint Web-based tracking and SSAS management solution | | |