Fleetmanagement 2000 (vehicle tracking system) for vessels
and trucks, via GSM, Trunking or Inmarsat Satellite Systems.

Fleetmanagement 2000
The Fleetmanagement 2000 System offers optimum solutions for charter and shipping companies etc. to monitor and plot the ship's motion at most favourable conditions. According to IMO regulations for GMDSS Area 3 all ships have to be equipped with INMARSAT-C systems; for data transmission the INMARSAT is used. As the ship's data is automatically transmitted and collected no additional work on board of the ship or in the office is required.
Only telephone and internet access with POP3 Protocol are obligatory. The Fleetmanagement 2000 system provides the staff on shore at any time with the data of the ship, e.g. current position, speed, course etc. The user on shore agrees with the ship's crew the time intervals of data upgrade. The operation of the Fleetmanagement 2000 system does not require any special nautical or computer knowledge. The complete ship's motion data could be displayed graphically and alphanumerically. This data is readily retrievable through "mouse-click" on "ship's name" in the menu field. The staff on shore is able to actively assist the master of the ship with route planning or even in critical situations by using smaller scale charts. Moreover the charter and shipping company is able to find out which ship of the fleet will reach most quickly the next harbour in order to load. Therefore the fleet can be easily leaded at low costs.